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Dawn Apollo Sliding Door

Sliding shower doors are a popular option for the Apollo range of enclosures due to their combination of style, functionality, and usability. They provide an elegant look with clear glass that does not obstruct the view inside the shower. The sliding motion of the doors is smooth and easy to operate, allowing convenient access in and out of the shower. Sliding panels also provide more space since they slide to the side rather than swinging open.

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Some of the key benefits of choosing sliding shower doors include:

Space-saving design - Sliding doors do not require any clearance to swing open like hinged doors, so they can easily fit into smaller bathrooms or tight spaces. The sliding mechanism allows the doors to neatly glide open and closed without taking up additional space.

Easy to open and close -Sliding shower doors are very easy to open and close with a gentle push. They smoothly glide on tracks, requiring minimal effort. This is perfect for those with limited mobility or dexterity.

Modern appearance - Sliding glass shower doors provide a clean, streamlined look that suits modern and contemporary bathroom styles. The transparent glass doors keep your shower area bright and airy.

Easy to clean - The smooth surface of sliding shower doors is simple to wipe down and keep clean. There are no hinges, handles or tracks where mould or grime can build up. Glass doors also prevent harsh chemicals from damaging the shower enclosure surface.

Sliding shower doors are an ideal choice if you're looking for a Dawn shower enclosure that maximise both style and function. Let the light shine in with sliding glass shower doors from Apollo.

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